Producing food we want to feed to our own family.
We pride ourselves in providing quality, local food for consumers throughout the Delmarva area.
Powers Farm takes a caring approach in raising our animals to produce all natural, fresh, pasture-raised, high-quality, high-palatability meat. Our cage-free laying hens produce delicious farm-fresh brown eggs that are all natural and antibiotic free. We dedicate our love and labor to offer a healthy and affordable mealtime favorite from our farm to your plate; we strive to be your choice.
Meet Our Family
Bill & Joan Powers
Will, Ariel, Elliana & Liam Powers
The farm was first purchased by Bill’s late father, Bill Powers, Sr. and his mother Karol. After his father’s passing, Bill eventually bought the farm from his mother. Bill continued his work on the farm – raising a herd of York sows. Bill met Joan and were married in June 1989. Throughout this time, Bill was still farming land and caring for livestock. Bill and Joan had their first child, Katie, in August of 1990, and their second child, Will, in July of 1993.
The Powers family entered the turkey business in the early 90’s. Powers Farm was the “hot spot” in New Castle County to purchase your fresh turkey for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, Powers Farm got out of the turkey business in early 2000’s. However, we started back in the turkey business in the fall of 2018!
As Katie and Will got older, they began to convert the commercial livestock on the farm, into showstock. Katie and Will began showing in 1998, they were very active members of the 4-H and FFA, and enjoyed exhibiting animals at local, state, regional and national livestock shows. As the kids worked together in all aspects of the farm, there came a time when Katie began to favor the sheep and maintained a flock of Dorsets, Suffolks and Hampshires. Whereas, Will favored the hogs and maintained a herd of Poland Chinas, coupled with a few other breeds, ranging from Yorkshires to Chester Whites. The kids also had the random assortment of club lamb and steer projects, a small goat herd, and Will once had a devilish Shorthorn heifer that didn’t stay for long. Both children have been very successful in the showring and are overly grateful for the friendships they have developed and the opportunities they were presented with in the agriculture industry.
Katie went on to attend college in Oklahoma and now resides there with her husband and daughter on their own ranch raising pigs and sheep.
Will continues to work alongside Bill on the farm. He is also an auto and diesel mechanic. His wife Ariel helps at farmers markets, in addition to her job as a chemist and owns a handmade clothing business, Wildflower + Grace. Their children Elliana and Liam spend their days on the farm. Being able to share the joys of living on a farm with our third generation farmer fills our hearts.